Ryan Schroeder
creative PRODUCER | Oklahoma State athletics - usa baseball
hey, I'm ryan schroeder, and I am orginially from the dallas-fort worth metroplex. i currently am in school at oklahoma state majoring in sports media with a minor in sports management. i started shooting videography and photography when i was young making youtube videos, but it wasn't until my senior year when i truly got into shooting sports. i will forever be thankful for my principal who setup my internship with my high school's athletic department because he changed the entire direction of my life with how i wanted to be involved in the sports media world.
after immediately getting to the oklahoma state campus in the fall of 2020, I knew that i wanted to get involved in the sports industry. a job opening came for the radio station down the street, and i jumped on the opportunity as soon as my professor told us about it in class. i worked for triple play sports radio in stillwater covering high school football as well as being a producer for a post-game show of oklahoma state football games. it was an experience that got me connections with the athletics department, and i used that as leverage to apply for the communications department. after showing up to my interview for the communications department, gavin lang, head of athletic communications at osu athletics, sent me over to the creative department which is where i was trying to be all along. After an interview with courtney bay, former head of creative content, i had an opportunity as a creative intern in the fall of 2021. i can gladly say after two years working with the athletics department that i have loved my time, and i have learned more than i could have ever imagined.
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